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Empowerment Breathwork

Kyle and Sal from are offering an online Breathwork meditation journey designed to help focus on self-empowerment. Distance and isolation can be daunting, but there are very specific breathing practices we can use to churn and enhance our energetic vibrations.

This week, we want to tailor our group meditation towards resilience. It is much easier to tune into the frequency of your inner truth while directing the mind towards your breath. As we shift our attention *away* from media and *back* towards our own divine energy, we intimately connect with source consciousness.

***Resilience is choosing to believe that our given problems do not exceed our capability to succeed***

We have witnessed many different emotions and reactions arise throughout this past month. From deep gratitude, to moments of despair, quarantine life has certainly called us to sit with ourselves and witness the great roller coaster ride that is called a "global pandemic."

***The moment you blame another, or expect someone else to change, is the moment you lose your power***

Let's use self-inquiry as a radical way of calling in our power, remembering our true nature, and committing to be an ally for all living creatures.

Choosing mindfulness practices during this incredible time in history is a wonderful way to press pause and be with yourself. We may not be allowed to be next to one another, but we can be and BrEathe with one another! Join us in breathing together, as we co-create a virtual commonwealth: a council meeting with our universal precious resource, the breath. Inhaling our intentions and inviting mother nature to take space in our bodies, exhaling that which we are ready to lay down or offer up for the greater good. As Ram Das says, "We love everyone by inhabiting the soul."

We want to honor the shifts happening around and within us. As we continue to ride the wave of this collective human experience, he we want to reflect on what we've taken on. The emotional and physical exhaustion ranges person to person, and we will be inviting various techniques in our guided meditation so that whatever you are dealing with will have a container for self-expression.

Are you curious about ways to connect with yourself, but you've had trouble sitting down and silencing your mind? You're not alone! Conscious Breathwork is a special type of energy practice that introduces simple ways to access your inner guidance and healing potential. The ego loves to have a job assignment, and we will give it one. During this workshop, we will start by instructing the group on our specific modalities, and then transition to lying down and enjoying provocative music while breathing in a circular pattern, engage breath holds, and try on different mantras and vocal toning.

This is a great opportunity to gather with like minded people with an inclination towards mental health, consciousness and spirituality.

Haven't tried yoga or meditating before? No problem! Beginners are always welcome. We open our space to all ages, yet kindly suggest 15+ for this event. You'll have plenty of time to ask questions and visit with us afterwards if you're curious to learn more, too.

Visit for details and tickets!


-A device to connect to Zoom (phone or computer).

-Headphones if you want to tune out background noise in your home.

-A comfortable place to sit and lie down, with blankets and pillows accessible.


-Have a journal handy to write notes and integrate your experience.

-Try some movement before hand to bring yourself into your body; we recommend gentle yoga, Kundalini warm up Kriyas, shaking and dancing.

-Plan ahead and have a nourishing tea or snack ready to enjoy when we are finished

USA: WEDNESDAY 8p Eastern ~ 7p Central ~ 6p Mountain ~ 5p Pacific

NEW ZEALAND: Thursday 12p

breathwork group meditation
Earlier Event: March 31
Breathwork for Stress Release
Later Event: April 30
Breathwork for Renewal