Improbable Reality

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A Week of Kundalini Prompts

How is FEAR showing up in my life? Bring awareness to any underlying fear that may be consciously or unconsciously motivating you during this time. Notice how this may be affecting your mind and body.
How fear shows up is more in alignment with negativity than actual buying into fear mindset. Rather than be scared, I lean towards angry or resentful. I see my patterns of shying away from being fearful and turning instead towards blaming others. Am I fearful of doing something wrong? Maybe I can use someone else as my scape goat. I wouldn’t say there is too much in my life right now that brings me actual FEAR—I am in a place of love and trust with the universe. A virus that causes a global pandemic might bring immense fear to the masses, but I believe there is a big difference between being cautious (respectful, mindful) and being stuck in fear.

How do I find Authentic Stillness?

A place of authentic stillness is most available to me when I have tuned into my different energy centers. Holding a DRISHTI, an anchor for the mind to weather the stormy seas of the ego, helps me ground and find peaceful presence. I kind of think the ego is like that bullshit snooze button of life. Like, what if there was no such thing as Snooze? And when we committed to waking up we just did it? That might be it Pitta in me talking. But there are so many little negotiation tactics involved in staying comfortable, and we are so quick to move away from something that challenges us when we know very well the challenge brings the growth. Wake up calls, from the consciousness of LOVE, asking me to wake up, and stop letting my ego press the darn snooze!!!

Examine what it would take for you to release that fear, attachment, or resistance, and to trust the inner intelligence of your BEING and the unfolding of your life?

I hold up my microscope to examine the patterns of resistance I have been clinging to, and see their shapes and forms morphing to hold me back. When I resist discipline, I do not propel myself forward, but if I get too caught in the familiar addiction of beating myself up for not doing enough, I swing the pendulum the other way. I want to be AWARE of my mindsets that do not serve (judging my body, nitpicking others) because these little distractions are just to take me out of presence. They don’t have Truth, they don’t have weight….they are simply the ones that sound so good and familiar that I get caught in their story lines. “Well, look how easy this is to tune out the breathing pattern I’m supposed to be focusing on! I’ll just run through this scenario in my head of living in another country because escapism is my favorite pastime and I’m like a damn Barracuda with something shiny floating in the water ahead of me!”

How do I trust and surrender?

My favorite way to surrender is with LOVE. Let me remind myself of the presence of my heart, feel the hearts around me, remember that Love created me as an expression of itself, Love loves me, and I love LOVE.

What feeds my soul?

Laughter. Sweat. Chanting. Cooking. Eating with people I love. Walking with nature. Finding new waterways to swim in. Being in a cuddle puddle. Using my senses. Being of service in simple, real ways—serving up a daily dose of SAL in the best forms I can.

Look at your passion, what feeds your soul. How can you nurture this passion so that the energy starts to infuse your life at all levels? Remember the emotion and energy you hold in any moment is attracting things that resonate at that same frequency. It is important to spend as much time as we can in an elevated frequency in order to create at a higher level.

I want to nurture my passion of cooking for others, being in nature as much as possible, practicing yoga and breathwork, learning new skills and tricks, planting edible treats, reading more, traveling when it is safe and allowed…and right now I am doing so many of those things that I want to be proud of myself! I am living right now in the future I wanted to create a while ago, it just looks so fucking different than I thought it would….I don’t want to miss right now waiting to attract and manifest some future out there in the unknown. I want to appreciate this beautiful house and family and healthy happy holy existence AS IT IS. SO IT IS. AND SO IT SHALL BE. SO IT SHALL ME!

What does it take for me to open and maintain a state of love?

It takes recognizing my immense support systems, gratitude for my abundance, dropping into surrender, letting go of the idea I am in control, reversing the power dynamics so that I don’t want to be a know it all smarty mc smarty pants all the stupid time JEEEEZ

The more we can exist in a state of gratitude, joy, awe for life, feeling connected to ourselves and others, the stronger we are on all levels. When we exist in love our mind and heart are in coherence, the solutions to our problems are able to flow into our field of awareness.

The next time I feel super frustrated or stuck, I vow to ask myself, what would Love have me do?

It is important to know your Truth and to be authentic in expressing your Truth. 

Stay true to your heart and conscience as you go through your day. Bring awareness to the power of your words and notice that when you are connected to your own Truth, there is often less of a need to say anything at all. Before engaging a thought or speaking a sentence, ask yourself

"is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?"

WOW this is such a fun one to come back to! Like being silent for a week, I notice so much more of when I swear or when complaining is present…yes, yes yes to this one.

If you are not living toward a vision of the future then you are caught in the memory of your past. Take some time today to think about what you want from your life, what energy you are calling in. Let’s magnetize it!

What are you doing in your life that is not serving the new vision of yourself?

I think this is an especially odd period for our society to be living through, and yet it is so so so necessary. If we all could pause and think about this question, what kind of world would we birth? The new version of me, the one I am right now and working towards, knows I deserve communityyyyyyyyyyyy a place where I can be one with the land, take time to express creatively, to learn from dear ones, to share and play and prance and dance and believe and make magic and sing and be a song and be an expression of the love that is creation.

I pray for the me and the new version of myself to join forces and draw in me, to MAGNETIZE, the place I am meant to live. To settle and grow and tend to and evolve. Until then, I keep visualizing this beautiful reality. I call it in.

Which thoughts are supporting the old version?

Thoughts that are rooted in doubt or anger.

Which thoughts support the new one?

Thoughts that are cheerful.

Choose wisely!

So much of life is driven by our unconscious habits and beliefs about ourself, others, and our environment. It takes discipline and dedication to change the way we think, to promote a new reality. IT IS SO WORTH IT.

Do you trust your own power to heal and create a positive impact through your presence? If not, are you willing to put doubt aside and open yourself to be a force of healing?


We can move mountains when our hearts and minds are aligned and we are in a group collective field. When our energy is awakened and attuned to a high frequency we can help lift others to that frequency.

Excelling in life in this new era is about knowing how to activate and refine our energy to become a force of healing. 

I am one with the crystalline pendulums swinging in circles in the magnetic heart field of love.

Thank you thank you thank you

Wahe GURU!