Improbable Reality

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Why Do Mala Necklaces Break?

I’ve been waiting to post this blog for a little while now, as the question of non-attachment often comes up when I am working with clients; so I figured it would be a great opportunity for me to share a few details with y’all as a general notice to all human beings!

Mala necklaces traditionally have 108 beads with knots that symbolize the presence, intention and spiritual alignment of mindful meditation. One of the most beautiful lessons we can explore is the idea that we are mirrors of the divine. We have the power to act as the creator, the sustainer, and the destroyer. Similarly, the universe will teach us lessons on “losing” what we claim as “ours” to help our evolution—whether those be thoughts, patterns, or physical things, the idea of “ownership” transforms as all cycles shift over time. It is inevitable that this piece of jewelry will break, just as it is a given we will leave our bodies and take a new form. These prayer beads show us a new aspect of non-attachment as we walk our paths, but the key focus to making sure your mala lasts a long, healthy life is to be mindful!

When you wear your mala, it is imperative that these crystals get the attention they deserve. When we experience a “break,” it is often that spirit is trying to bring our attention to other aspects of our lives that are severing. I’ve heard plenty of stories about crystals and malas in particular cracking open in ceremony space, when a person is going through an intense shift, and countless other magical moments that give me goose bumps! Much of the time, however, a mala will break when it is used without intention.

Here is a short list of some great ways to break a mala:

-stretching it around your wrist as a bracelet

-literally forgetting you have it on and going to sleep

-wearing them while dancing, playing sports, partying, or conducting bedtime activities ;)

-letting it fall onto a hard surface

-catching it on a ledge or a corner of furniture

-tangling it up with a child or a pet

Because life stuff happens, and it is human design to err, I have no plans to assume these things won’t happen in your journey with your mala. My commitment as a personal jeweler means keeping great ties with my clients, so I am officially announcing to all friends out there that I offer 1 free restring on any custom necklace you purchase from me. One. Free. Repair.

I’ve had a few folks out there go through multiple breaks, and I am kindly requesting $60 for any fixes after your first restring. Thank you so much for respecting my time, and, more importantly, respecting the life of your crystal necklace!! When you invest your energy and resources, I believe you create a sacred bond with your strand of gemstones.

Please know I am also happy to work on other malas, so if you have any at home that need a new life, I would love to help you out! You can always mail me a broken mala for me to restring, upgrade, or redesign.

So much gratitude to y’all, and keep me posted with questions!