Improbable Reality

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9/26 A Set of Vows

“Write a set of vows to yourself. What promises are you ready to commit to within yourself? Declare a new beginning. What vows are you ready to commit to? Your soul is ready for this recommitment.”

Today I vow to replicate the things I love a little more each day.

I vow to support myself, my friends, my family, my Spirit, my Earth.

I vow to invite more movement —yoga, biking, walking, kriyas, weights, breath holds, cold swims, anything to get my blood pumping and my muscles working!

I vow to monitor my binge habits—notice if I can drink more water instead of snack, if I can enjoy a moment of quiet instead of itching for music, screen time, or another distraction.

I vow to shut the fuck up when my mouth wants to believe my nagging ego bitch voice.

I vow to love and love and love!

I vow to respect my temple body!

I vow to write a little more in my journal and doodle more often.

I vow to complete more little acts of kindness, like making presents or sending letters.

I vow to choose acceptance.

I vow, and now I bow, to you!