Improbable Reality

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9/6 A Letter of Forgiveness

“Write a letter of forgiveness to someone you’ll probably never intimately talk to again.”

I forgive you.

I forgive you for dropping out of my life when I couldn’t keep up with where yours was going.

I forgive you for ignoring me and leaving me out on the street even when you promised we would spend the night together.

I forgive you for keeping better ties with the people that I was closest to, and I forgive you both for continuing a friendship without me present.

I forgive you for not telling me how I had upset you, or why you wanted to cut me out, but just ghosting yourself.

I forgive you for moving through big phases of life without including me, even though we had always talked about being there for each other.

I forgive you for dating her even after she completely humiliated me and my whole body shook with anger.

I forgive you, you deserve love, and you deserve peace.

I also forgive myself for overthinking things, and I dissolve my confusion with clarity. I deserve love, and I deserve peace.