Serving the planet and her people


Happy Spring!

Despite the endless winter season that seemed to creep into our time in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, Kyle and I have been lucky enough to witness the true beauty of Spring this weekend! The snow finally melted off the porch, opening up space for grilling vegetables, filling up the hummingbird feeders, and watching fireworks from Howelsen Hill (the oldest ski resort in North America). The whole town is alive with outdoor activities; from Yampa River Festival, to Steamboat Marathoners, June certainly knows how to kick off those mud season blues and get everyone back into nature. It is such a fun hive within which to buzz—spectators, runners, and paddlers alike have swarmed into downtown, filling up the streets with community. I have been reminded over and over again how lucky I am to return to this special valley with every yoga class I teach or attend, hug I receive from a friend, and all the dog walks around the paths and budding Aspens. The beauty that emerges from the flora and fauna as the sun starts to warm the ground has inspired me to sing and explore through the mountains. And as a perfect compliment, the cloudy storms have nudged me to stay inside, work on jewelry, and meditate with others. After finishing with a private client in a breathwork session the other day, she asked me if I would be interested in recording a few guided meditations, and all the cells in my body vibrated YES!!!! For those of you, like me, who love to wake up with or fall asleep to Nidra, body scans, loving kindness, etc, stay tuned! And let me know what you are wanting to hear…what is most relevant to you?

Steamboat Springs, Colorado, welcomes the warm weather
Sarah AlbertComment