Custom Crystal Malas

My custom mala necklaces are strands of semi-precious crystal stones with mixed metals and sacred wood. I am not a jeweler for the masses, rather a curator for specifics.

I love knotting your vows and goals into these necklaces and treasure information you share with me regarding your current struggles and what you need to succeed. Mother Earth shares these precious resources for us to use with a conscious, loving mentality. Crystals empower us to rewrite our lines of destiny, to work through past karma, to show up as a warrior of light and positivity. Let these stones guide you to a place of knowing, trust, compassion and strength. Every necklace connects with a certain chakra (or chakras) and focuses on ways for you to embrace the light and the dark--whatever it is you may be going through. NOW is the time to place faith in the world of energy!! Let's collaborate soon to get you the perfect combination of stones and prayer.

Working one on one with my clients, I generate tailored combinations for impactful, wearable art. We can only save our dear planet by healing ourselves first, and I find the vibration of crystals to be a fast lane for raising consciousness. One by one, I hand craft 108 knots with a certain intention and lots of love. It takes me hours, sometimes days, or weeks to get a pattern right, because each one is that special.

Custom orders are always a priority, as I really enjoy working directly with my brothers and sisters rather than making “stock” jewelry. Infusing my crystals with mantra, intention, and unique healing techniques like energy from the moon or sacred hot springs, they carry a very magical presence to the wearer. I have hundreds of examples of my work on my Instagram and you can search #improbablereality for posts from my happy customers!

Improbably Reality has grown and flourished into its own entity, becoming my booth at craft fairs, a place for artisans to get their jump off, and an inspiration for me to move away from sheep like existence working for others.

I am a crystal foster mother, eager to help you connect with sacred numerology, gaia, and your truest self through mala necklaces and other hand crafted goods revolving around yoga, energy, and positivity. Sat Nam!

This lifetime of creativity has driven my desire to connect with others and serve god through awakening. Coming alive with art and love is the essence of my service, and I humbly offer my mala necklaces with respect for the tradition. Knotting malas is my escape into presence. Want to know more about how you can be more present with these pieces? Check out my blog post on Why Malas Break

In addition to beads, altar items, and small crystal specimens, I also have a few high quality massage wands for purchase. After spending many years shopping different gem shows in Colorado and Arizona, and visiting stores and mines all over the globe, I have learned to browse with a keen awareness.

I energetically check in with all stones I handle, cleanse them with essential oils and help charge them before sending them off to clients. Please contact me with questions if you are interested in adding a tool like a yoni egg or wand to your personal collection!